We bring the future to life

We bring the future to life through the use of visionary academic perspectives and rigorous foresight methodologies.



Access shorter future-thinking pieces. Here we share foresight interviews with expert academics, our thoughts on emerging trends and methodologies and summaries of new disruptive themes. 

Pre-future: readying your mind for the unknown

Pre-future: readying your mind for the unknown

Foresight, using methods and mental models to explore the possible future, is not a well-known practice. Knowing about some general purpose mental models is good a way to warm up for our adventures in thinking ahead, and thinking differently. read more

TF 2043 Humans in the Futures Loop

TF 2043 Humans in the Futures Loop

Younger generations coming into power today have a problematic inheritance: the legacy of the problems caused by preceding generations and technologies that do not reflect more modern thinking. In this blog we set out to explore the area of different human values being ‘baked into’ technologies. When humans are 'in the loop’ of technology driven decision making, what are their interests and who is being left out? read more

The Futures Triangle of IoT

The Futures Triangle of IoT

The slow-moving wave of the Internet of Things (IoT) continues as more and more consumer-facing technologies, such as doorbells and heat-pump, are deployed. The acceptance, and expectation, of internet connectivity in products and service offerings are increasing for people and businesses. read more

20+ Futures

Foresight timelines that showcase potential future perspectives across different themes. Explore disruptive technologies, future of urban air, future of high performance computing and future of water through inspirational and engaging visualisations.

Imperial Tech Foresight Imperial College London breaking wave

Tech Foresight 2043

Humans in the futures loop

Nature meets future

Tech Foresight 2042

Nature Meets Future

Navy blue square with white writting.

Scenarios 2041

Computation, energy and the planet

Navy blue square with white writting.

Tech Foresight 2040

Meta-motivations, moral machines and malleable matter.


Interrogate the possible, plausible and probable futures with our niche thought-pieces on an array of themes and topic areas. 

The world in 2050

The future in 2050: What might change? What might stay the same? Check out our interactive feature exploring how low-carbon, climate-resilient innovations could transform humanity’s relationship with the planet.

Table of disruptive technologies

Interrogate our table of disruptive tech with 100 wonderful, weird (and possibly worrying) ways the world might change in the foreseeable future.


Automated Futures

Automated futures aims to inspire future thinking in robotics and artificial intelligence. What might be next? What might be only a dream? 

The future of urban air

What does ‘air’ mean beyond pollution? Delve into potential future disruption and innovative solutions to issues that impact all our senses.



We create spaces for business leaders and academics to collaborate on futures perspectives by exploring breakthrough technologies and future science disruption. 

Scan the horizons

Understand how the future might unfold. Explore weak signals of change or potential disruptors to your business together with the College’s academics.

Bespoke workshops

Unlock future opportunities, inspire your team to think about the future, identify uncertainties and define your strategic priorities through a collaborative workshop. 

Thought-leadership projects

Develop engaging future visions and roadmaps for your business. Together with academics identify what might be possible and create new engaging thought-leadership pieces.