Innovation vs regulation: Friend or foe?

Innovation vs regulation: Friend or foe?

In July, the Imperial Business Partners team brought together a panel of industry experts to discuss innovation in highly regulated industries. We wanted to explore whether regulation can aid innovation or stifle it. What does that look like for different sectors, and...
TF2042: Nature Meets Future

TF2042: Nature Meets Future

Nature is powerful, its ecosystem harsh and its insights enlightening. We humans have tamed manifest nature, such as minerals, plants, and beasts, through our ability to embed our knowledge and capabilities in technology. Our technologies shape our language and our...
Nature Meets Future: Life and Death

Nature Meets Future: Life and Death

Learning from nature, exploring life and emergence  “Throughout the living world, the creativity of life expresses itself through the process of emergence” – Fritjof Capra  Emergence is a peculiar phenomenon observed everywhere in nature. It happens when simple...